- レシピブログ
- *nob*さんのmyレシピブック
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- Cook easily with microwave oven~! Seasoning bitter gourd, thick deep-fried bean curd and corn with Japanese liquid type noodle soup base, carry powder and shavings of dried bonito

- *nob*さん
Yum < YIELD > 2 servings< Ingredients >・1/2 thick deep-fried bean curd (※It is thick fried tof...
- (ID: b15507314)
- 2015/09/17 UP!
↑Cook easily with microwave oven~! Seasoning bitter gourd, thick deep-fried bean curd and corn with Japanese liquid type noodle soup base, carry powder and shavings of dried bonito by *nob*さん | レシピブログ - 料理ブログのレシピ満載!TOP